3d graph calculator
weight/materials calculator
- No warrantee: Usage constitutes agreement with our Terms of Service.
- Now accepts JavaScript programs and
decimal.js API in base 10 inputs.
- Precision of decimal.js API has been raised to 2000 digits.
- Examples: PI=acos(-1) or
Click to try them.
- Due to URL length limits, numbers > 900 digits may not bookmark properly.
- Slow page load: Please be aware that 1 million digit mode produces lots of output.
- Bases 94 to 8649 (max) are represented as pairs of base 93 digits.
- You can choose what characters represent higher number bases.
- *To increase max bases, paste more utf-8 characters into the box, such as™€®†.
- Keep in mind that some characters may not display on all platforms.
- To compute text, one might add space, period, and enter to the box of available characters.
- *If you add the period character, decimal points will not work as expected.
- Note that decimal numbers are truncated at the output limit, not rounded off.
- base 64 is not base64 mail attachment (mime) format. For that, use
base64 encode/decode
Created 9/2002 by Henry Kroll, comptune.com.
Updated 11/23/2017 to compute long decimals in any number base.
Updated 11/24/2017 with extended, two-digit number bases.
Updated 11/25/2017 for Javascript Decimal API.
Bugfix 6/14/2019 Did it ever work?
- Find another bug? Click to send a support message.